Jean-Luc Maurange, invited by the Trends-Tendances’s annual Economic Event

January 29th 2019
On Monday January 28th, The Trends-Tendances’s annual Economic Event had invited several renowned experts to discuss about the lessons learned from the failures or difficulties related to digital transformation. Nelson Mandela said: “I never lose; either I win or I learn”. More than ever, companies must keep this adage in mind. Especially when they have to adapt to digital, its constraints and opportunities.
An opportunity for our CEO to share his vision and present our Innovation Platform:
“Innovation is about assuming the possibility of failure. To undertake is also to take the risk of failure. We are currently launching our incubator and start up accelerator. Everyone knows that the success rate is less than 20%. This did not stop more than 100 CMI employees from embarking on the adventure. Failure should therefore not be considered as a threat and a sanction that would restrict wills and energies but as a risk (which must of course be identified and mitigated as much as possible) but which we accept to run! »
“Running a risk”: What a beautiful expression! I prefer it to “fail”.
Find here the entire debate broadcasted on the Première.