Terms of Use

All access and use of this website is subject to the following terms. By accessing and using the website visitors accept the version of the terms, which is in force at the time of the access. John Cockerill reserves the right to modify the Terms of Use at John Cockerill’s own discretion and without prior announcement. Visitors are responsible for informing themselves of the Terms of Use in force at the time of use of this website. The visitor can’t use this website if he doesn’t accept this following terms.

The content of this website (including, but not limited to, text, graphic images, audio, video, html code, buttons, trademarks, software, logos) are the property of John Cockerill, unless otherwise noted or in any other way perceivable as third party rights. The content may not be sold, distributed, transmitted, copied, modified or decompiled, in any way, without the prior written consent of John Cockerill. Any unauthorised use of the content is expressly prohibited and may constitute a violation of copyright law, trademark law, patent law or other industrial property rights. Visitors may download, display and print one copy of the website on their personal computer for private and personal purpose only.

John Cockerill has written the content of this website to the best of its knowledge. However, no representation is made or warranty given, either express or implied, for the completeness, accuracy, reliability or fitness for a particular purpose of the content of the website or the non-existence of any viruses on the website. John Cockerill reserves the right to modify or to close this website at its own discretion and without prior announcement.

Visitors of this website declare that they agree to access and to use the website and its content at their own risk. John Cockerill cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect or other losses or damages of whatsoever kind resulting from access or use of this website, from inaccuracies or omissions in this website, from any decisions visitors make based on information contained in this website, from viruses from this website or non-accessibility of this website.

Links to this website are permitted, provided that John Cockerill is informed prior to the publication of the link. John Cockerill makes no judgement or warranty with respect to the websites providing such links and John Cockerill takes no responsibility for these websites.

This website may contain links to websites not operated, controlled or supervised by John Cockerill. By providing such links, John Cockerill makes no judgment or warranty with respect to such other web sites and John Cockerill takes no responsibility for such other websites. Neither does John Cockerill accept any responsibility for the availability or the contents of such websites or any liability for damage resulting from the use of such contents, of whatever form.

Any legal claims or lawsuits concerning this website or its use are subject to the laws of Belgium. The courts of Liège, Belgium shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

This website is published by John Cockerill S.A., Rue Jean Potier, 1 à B-4100 Seraing – BELGIUM
[email protected]