The Nesa Solution® Furnaces : 55 years of success in the service of the environment

August 30th 2022
At the service of our clients for 55 years! Since 1967, over 150 Nesa Multi-Hearth Furnaces (MHF) have been supplied, all of which have been participating in the sustainable use of natural resources & the reduction of CO2 emissions by keeping more product from landfills or incineration. Dedicated initially to the activation and reactivation of carbon, today, John Cockerill Environment’s MHF technology is more than ever supporting the transition to a circular economy and contributes to environmental sustainability by tackling waste as a resource and develop the most adapted processes for the industries of tomorrow.
Our pilot center in Belgium that celebrated its 40th anniversary this year, and the recent implementation of the first pilot center in China are two important cornerstones of this development. In reply to the rising demand for improved recycling both of these unique centers allow to test, develop and validate the most adapted pyrogazeification treatment process, nowadays firmly dedicated to the Waste-to-Energy and the Waste-to-Product market segments, respectively focusing on the recovery of waste products for use as sources of energy or the production of a value-added product.
John Cockerill is proud of its Nesa MHF furnaces significantly contributing towards a greener economy and responding to the needs of our time for over five decades!