10 years without accidents for two of John Cockerill’s Indian entities

July 25th 2023
On July 25th, 2023, John Cockerill’s Indian workshop in Taloja and its entity John Cockerill Automation were celebrating an impressive anniversary: 3652 days without accidents. An important milestone for our Indian colleagues, and a clear reflection of the commitment that the entire Group places in Health & Safety. John Cockerill encourages all of its employees to actively participate in securing a safe and healthy working environment through a system of defined rights, responsibilities and duties, where the highest priority is accorded to the principle of prevention.
To mark this very special day, John Cockerill Industry’s Management, along with our Indian entity’s Management team celebrated this great achievement with the distribution of gifts and the traditional cake cutting ceremony. A celebration that was also an opportunity to salute the commitment of the men and women who, every day, put their skills at the service of our activities. As such, Fred Martin, Head of Industry’s Metals Business Line, gave a short speech before cutting the cake, appreciating everyone’s contribution to achieving this extra-ordinary milestone. He emphasized the fact that safety culture is created by safe actions we take for ourselves and for those around us, before adding: “This outstanding achievement would not be possible without visible, felt leadership, exceptional teamwork and a proactive approach in dealing with safety deviations. Thank you to each one of you for following the correct safety procedures, including our Group’s “10 Golden Safety Rules”. Each of you has worked hard for this recognition, and you deserve this celebration. I sincerely thank you for making John Cockerill very proud.”
For his part, John Cockerill India’s Managing Director, Michael Kotas underlined: “We are truly on our way to becoming an employer of choice where our families and dependents can be assured that when we come to work we will be safe. We are proving that we can operate without any lost time accident and by doing so demonstrate that we care about each other. But, while achieving 3652 safe working days without Lost Time Accident (LTA) is a truly outstanding performance, we cannot become complacent. The risks and hazards will not disappear. It is of utmost importance that we remain vigilant and continue to do everything possible to protect and enhance our good safety performance by raising the bar every day. Please remember: the goal is and will always remain “zero”!”