How John Cockerill reinvented itself, with agility and solidarity, to face the Covid-19 pandemic

March 15th 2021
A year ago, the Covid-19 pandemic hit Europe, after having affected China. Even before the lockdown in France, Belgium and Luxembourg, John Cockerill was preparing.
From the end of January 2020, our Chinese entity Cockerill Engineering Beijing had to adapt. Our teams in China reacted with agility and teleworking was massively deployed. At the same time, two crisis cells were set up. The first followed, and still follows, the daily evolution of the health situation of the Group and its employees. The second focused on projects and the continuity of our essential activities.
In the midst of the crisis, the Group and its employees showed their commitment: the John Cockerill Foundation coordinated solidarity initiatives to help those most in need. Because we are stronger together.
One year after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, this video explains how John Cockerill reinvented itself.
#WeAreJohnCockerill #StrongerTogether #CourageToTheLast