Safety – CMI launches Securo, for completely secure sites

June 04th 2009
CMI makes safety its number 1 priority. Its objective : guarantee a safe environment to its staff, customers, and also suppliers and subcontractors, especially on the sites.
In this context, CMI Energy invited subcontractors specialized in the erection of boilers at the end of April. CMI had organized a day entirely devoted to safety in order to share experiences with its partners. More or less thirty partners, decision-makers and quality managers coming from the four corners of Europe were present.
CMI Energy wants to develop a safety culture in close cooperation with its sub-contractors. CMI reminded the participants of its objective of zero accidents and insisted on the notion of “Shared Vigilance” : in sharing our best practices, we shall all improve our performances in terms of safety.
CMI launched a logo called SECURO, especially designed for safety.
By signing a Safety Statement, CMI’s subcontractors agreed to get involved, comply with CMI’s ambitions and to strive for excellence in terms of safety.