France: CMI takes part in Metafensch, an R&D platform associated with the metals industry

December 05th 2014
On November 24th, French President François Hollande inaugurated the Metafensch public platform for research and industrial development in which CMI is involved. Metafensch brings together industrial representatives (Ascometal, Pont à Mousson, Derichebourg, ArcelorMittal and CMI) as well as academic organizations (CNRS, Université de Lorraine, CEA, Arts et Métiers Paris TECH and IRP-M2P de Metz). Together, they are developing technologies for waste and residue recovery from the metal industry.
Metafensch aims to meet the challenges of the recycling economy in the metals field, both in energy recycling and recovery as well as in the growing range of metal industry co-products supporting metal founders and developers, the automotive industry, aerospace, and energy.
Among the topics under study is the Gazflu project, which aims to enhance the automotive recycling process. The idea is to combine automotive recycling residual waste with wood byproducts, gasify it, and use the resulting synthesized gas as fuel in Florange factories. Gazflu associates are Derichebourg, ArcelorMittal Florange and Xylowatt, with which Air Liquide and CMI Group are both shareholders and industrial partners.
The Metafensch research and development platform was established at the initiative of French President François Hollande, who had promised it at the time that the shutdown of hot steel process plants in Florange (Lorraine) were announced. Metafensch brings together industrial representatives (Ascometal, Pont à Mousson, Derichebourg, ArcelorMittal and CMI) and also academic organizations (CNRS, Université de Lorraine, CEA, Arts et Métiers Paris TECH and IRP-M2P de Metz), under the leadership of François Mudry, former Scientific Director of ArcelorMittal and President of the IRP-M2P. Jean Jouet, President of CMI Industry, represents CMI in this endeavor.