World’s largest heat recovery boiler for the Flémalle power plant: bundles delivery and boiler construction on video

May 29th 2024

End of 2022, John Cockerill was awarded by ENGIE Belgium a contract to design, supply and install the world’s largest heat recovery boiler in the region of Liège (Flémalle, Belgium).

With a capacity of 875 MW, this future combined cycle power plant will be able to supply electricity to more than 1 million households per year. With an efficiency of more than 63%, this power plant will have one of the highest efficiencies in the world for a combined cycle. Our design will allow to significantly reduce nitrogen oxide emissions and thus contribute to a more sustainable production.

Designed to facilitate frequent start-ups and changes of regime, the power station of Flémalle will provide all the necessary flexibility to adapt to the significant production fluctuations of renewable energies and compensate their intermittency. That is why it will be a key equipment for the national energy mix.

Once again John Cockerill proves that its technologies respond to the needs of our times. Discover our video with the images of the boiler bundles delivery on the Meuse river and of the start of the boiler construction.