CMI: one success after another in energy

December 24th 2014
CMI finished 2014 on a very bright note, with in particular many successes on the energy market. CMI Energy has thus just won its third order for a thermo-solar boiler (and the second of the year). It also took several orders for heat recovery boilers for gas-steam combined cycle electric power plants. These successes should enable around forty new jobs to be created by the end of 2015.
CMI Energy has just won its third contract for a boiler destined for a ‘tower’ thermo-solar electric power plant. The new equipment is to be installed in Chile, in the Atacama 2 plant. It will be recalled that CMI had already supplied the boilers for the Atacama 1 electric power plants (also in Chile) along with Khi Solar 1 (in South Africa). Just like Atacama 1, Atacama 2 will have an electricity capacity of 110 MWe and, thanks to calling on CMI melted salts technology, will enable energy to be stored for seventeen and a half hours. Atacama 2 will thus be able to function 24 hours, 7 days.
CMI Energy has also won a series of contracts for heat recovery boilers for gas-steam combined cycle electric power plants. Of particular note are three boilers for Lackawanna (New-York, USA), two for Hamitabat (Turkey) and a further four for Besmaya (Iraqi Kurdistan).
And finally, CMI Energy has also been selected by American company B&V to design and supply four boilers to be installed on a methane ship, the objective being to convert it into a mobile gas compression unit. The CMI boilers will produce the steam for two steam turbines, each with a capacity of 30 MW, along with the steam required for the liquefaction of natural gas. This represents an innovative application for a tried and tested technology.
Thanks to this impressive sales performance, the Energy sector of the CMI Group closes 2014 with an order book value of almost 300 million Euros, some 80% up compared to the previous financial year. This good news should generate around forty new jobs by the end of 2015, principally in the engineering, project head and industrial designer functions.