CMI is committed to innovation with GRD
April 20th 2012
On April 18th at its headquarters in Seraing (Belgium), CMI hosted a meeting of the “Groupement belge de la Recherche et Développement” (GRD). Thirty R&D executives from large Belgian companies (Prayon, Groupe Herstal, IBA, Magotteaux, etc.) met here with the theme ‘Building an organization of trust, competences and innovation’.
For CMI, the event wan an opportunity to stress the importance it places on innovation, whether technological, organizational, or managerial. “It is an essential lever for adapting to a rapidly changing economic world,” said Bernard Serin, Chairman Managing Director of CMI.
“If innovation contributes to continuous improvement within the company, it is also a wonderful means of enjoyment and enthusiasm that reinforces the cooperation and solidarity within teams,” explained Paul Neirinck, CMI Group Chief Technology Officer.